The Hero in the Field

Systemic constellations - Navigating through the force field of thought positions

The Dynamics of the Force Field

  • The call
  • The confrontation
  • The transformation
  • The reward

Listen to your feelings and what your intuition tells you

The Hero in the Field Workshop: Discover Your Personal Hero's Journey

Step into an adventurous workshop where you explore your personal hero's journey. Inspired by the hero archetype as described by Joseph Campbell, you will discover the power of systemic constellations and nature. Together, we will explore your unique story, identify challenges, and find the path to growth and transformation. What do you do: flee or embrace a creative life? (C.J. Schuurman)

What you can expect:

  1. Your Hero Role: You are the protagonist, ready to grow and challenge yourself.
  2. Call to Adventure: Leave your comfort zone and discover new paths.
  3. Meeting with the Mentor: Receive inspiration from wise mentors and unexpected helpers.
  4. Confrontation with the Dragon: Overcome major challenges and obstacles.
  5. Return with Wisdom: Return enriched with experience and insights.

Let yourself be guided by the energy of nature and your intuition. Join this interactive journey and discover the hero within yourself. Welcome heroic men and women!

Who is

Willem Jan van den Brink is a facilitator and coach with 20 years of experience at the Center for Self-Reflection in Leusden, NL. He guides individuals and groups towards self-aware choices through authentic dialogues and creative writing assignments. Willem Jan holds a Master's degree in English Language and Literature (VU Amsterdam) and has a background in marketing and communication, supplemented with training in Counseling and Coaching and Positive Psychology. His interests include philosophy, psychology, dynamic conversations, and original thinking, and he draws inspiration from the works of Joseph Campbell, C.J. Schuurman and C.G. Jung.

Human learning to be human. Together in hopes of getting there.